Contributing - Style Guide
In order to maintain a high standard for the content on this website, it is necessary to set forth some rules for the styling of pages and their content.
Please read everything below before proposing any changes on
GitHub in order to minimize the amount of time necessary for revisions.
- Never plagiarize. This one should be obvious. If there is some ingenious result or clever proof to put here, cite where it came from. After stating the information, put a text link or end the sentence with a link in superscript, placing a space after the period. [src]
- Use the template. There is a file named
in this project's root directory. It is there for a reason—it includes the website stylesheet and math typesetting script necessary for
writing a new page, and standardizes the format.
- Write
s. Do not leave a page unfinished or sorely lacking in detail without giving any indication. It is fine to have unfinished pages, unless they will never be improved upon. For this reason, put relevant TODO
s on the bottom of the page.
- Use spacing properly. Sometimes, with math script and text together, it can be difficult to space things properly. Try to model new additions after existing pages and use the minimum amount of
- Write clearly. Egregious spelling or grammar errors are unacceptable. Similarly, obscure or poorly-typeset math can and will ruin a page. Use only standard math notation, and don't write anything contrived or unnecessarily complex.
- Include appropriate visuals. If a complex geometric argument must be made, construct a diagram in GeoGebra and render it on the page as a correctly-sized
image. Moreover, always typeset written mathematical expressions, do not leave them in plain text.
TODO: Add more rules to the style guide