First-Order Logic

In set theory (and mathematics in general), there is a language ("formal system") used to formalize statements and axioms known as first-order logic. Alternatively known as predicate logic, this allows for general statements to be made about sets and their elements, among other things. There is a traditional collection of symbols used in first-order logic, including equality (`=`), conjunction / intersection (`\land`), disjunction / union (`\lor`), implication (`\to`), biconditional (`\leftrightarrow`), negation (`\neg`), "for all" (`\forall`), and "exists" (`\exists`). These are also used with arbitrary variables and conventional punctuation.

Contrast this with propositional logic, which uses only implication and negation to describe cause-and-effect relationships. Both propositional and predicate logic use collections of symbols, operators, axioms, and inference rules (such as modus ponens) in order to establish the respective systems.
Modus Ponens: `P \land (P\to Q)\to Q`

In second-order logic, predicates and subsets can be described and quantified, unlike in first-order logic, which deals only in individual elements and relations. Another limitation is that first-order logic cannot uniquely describe infinite structures like the `\mathbb N` or `\mathbb R`, while second-order logic can. For instance, second-order logic can express the property that every subset of the naturals has a lowest element, but, by definition, first-order logic cannot.

Higher-order logic is an extension of this concept. First-order logic quantifies over individuals, second-order logic quantifies over sets, third-order logic quantifies over sets of sets, and so on. As part of this naming scheme, propositional logic is sometimes labelled "zeroth-order logic", as each higher order logic system is a superset of the constructions of those below it.

It is a famous result as part of Gödel's incompleteness theorem that no formal system which models Peano arithmetic can be simultaneously...
In other words, no system can assert its own consistency, nor can it prove / disprove every possible statement made.